Wednesday, 15 May 2013

26 years and 7 months...

Ok ok! So I am 26 today and Autumn turned 7 months yesterday! Life is amazing and I feel so blessed!
Autumn got the stomach flu Monday night and was up all night puking. My chid sleeps 12 hours straight at night, so staying up all night was difficult to say the least. She was just so sad and exhausted. She would get so scared after vomiting that she would just curl up in my arms and fall asleep after every episode.She had a fever and was such a little hot muffin. She stopped puking at 6:30am on Tuesday and was just super sleepy all day. I put her down for the night at 6:30pm (her usual bed time is 8:00pm) and she slept uninterrupted till 9:30 this morning!!!

Talk about a happy birthday present to me!

Jason let me sleep in till 9:30 and then he told me to get up and get ready because he was taking me out to Cora's for breakfast! -Side note: Jason usually goes to the office to prepare for the office meetings everyday at 10:00, so having him with me till noon was beyond words!

I promise there IS a waffle under all that 
strawberry,whip cream goodness

Our dear friends, Liz and Ben Foote took Autumn while he treated me out. When we got home at 11:00 Autumn was down for a nap and Jason and I cuddled and enjoyed each others company for 45 min! As we were laying there, Jason and I remembered that this day last year, we found out we were having a little girl coming to our home. Our little Autumn has been such a blessing and reward. I couldn't imagine life without her. It was such a great birthday morning. Second side note: to top it all off, dear Autumn is still sleeping as I compose this blog at 1:45pm! 
Yep, best day ever!

And the summer Vivint wives threw me a party! It was such a fun surprise!! Good food and friends...could a girl ask for more?

Bacon is my favourite!

Autumn updates:
-probably 14-15lbs

-sits up on her own (reaches far for toys and even puts her hand down to assist herself to stretch further)
-I only brought 3-6 month and up clothes to Edmonton, so she is wearing 3-6 month clothes. Mind you, none of her 3-6 month pants or shorts fit her, so I had to go out and buy some 0-3 month ones for her. lol
-size 3 diapers only out of necessity if you catch my drift... size 2 wasn't cutting it... or should I say catching it (all)!

-loves bathtime
-rolling like crazy everywhere (even rolls from room to room when she wants to be with me)
-head circumference 15 1/2 inches

-25 inches long
-loves her jolly

-loves swimming

-loves the park and stroller rides

-ever so smiley
-been saying da-da for about a month now

-loves playing with Brynlee

-more babbling than usual


Oh yeah, and Mothers Day was on Sunday and Jason never ceases to surprise and spoil me! (I think I like my birthday and Mothers Day being so close together... it's been a good couple days of spoiling and pampering!!)

My parent, brother, and his wife Heather are coming to visit us in Edmonton this long weekend!!! It is going to be